As I prepared this newsletter, I realised that 21 November marks the six-month anniversary of the launch of AiBEC. During that short period there have been major advancements across many areas. Our advocacy efforts have seen us engage in meaningful dialogue with numerous organisations including ICA, AFCA, ACIL, GI CGC, ANZIIF, NIBA and insurers. Dr Daniel Mulino, Chair of the Federal Government Flood Inquiry, recently held an informative meeting with our Technical Committee and we intend to hold a follow-up meeting with ASIC. Our intention is to be involved in a positive manner in addressing areas identified as needing improvement in expert reports in the claims process. The Technical Committee is finalising a submission to ICA providing feedback on their Expert Reports-Best Practice Standard. We will be looking to engage with ICA early in the new year to discuss our submission.
Our objective is to raise awareness of AiBEC’s existence and to engage other parties in planning and policy formation when matters directly relate to areas of operation and expertise of our members and allied supporters.
A highlight during the past month was the Cocktail Launch Function held at the Babylon Rooftop in Sydney. The event provided an opportunity to network with members, allied supporters and leading insurance industry representatives at what was an outstanding evening.