Welcome to the inaugural AiBEC Newsletter to Members and Allied Supporters.
It is two months ago that the launch of AiBEC was announced in widely read publication Insurance News. Since that time there has been an enormous amount of activity with submissions, information meetings in Sydney, Melbourne and Brisbane and numerous meetings with organisations and individuals keen to learn more about AiBEC its structure, objectives and how it will generate positive and improved outcomes in insurance claims. Thank you to those of you who have already joined as individual or corporate members and to the Allied Supporters who have joined to be part of the AiBEC community.
Building a members based Association has many challenges and a lot of work went on behind the scene prior to announcement of the formation. This involved lawyers to assist with drafting the constitution and other policy documents, marketing consultants to develop branding and messaging and founding directors Deniz Bekir and Andrew Morse who have driven much of what has been developed and who are passionate supporters of the association.
As Chief Executive it has been gratifying to see so many come forward with words of encouragement. One constant message I hear is that the timing of building and engineering consultants coming together to form an association could not be better with so much change expected in claims reporting on the horizon. AiBEC gives
members a voice in discussions that will have important consequences for experts preparing reports in respect of insurance claims. The Federal Government Inquiry into
the insurance indusry response to floods, ICA Code of Practice review, AFCA report on the large jump in the level of disputes all foreshadow imminent changes. Also
not to be overlooked is APRA Prudential Standard CPS 230 which comes into effect on 1 July 2025 and will place more responsibility on insurers in how they appoint
and monitor their service providers including but not limited to AiBEC members.
In our meetings we have taken on board early feedback and adopted positive recommendations. AiBEC will promote active engagement through the establishment of
member Technical Committees and an Allied Supporters Advisory Committee (ASAC) where we can feed back to members and others including insurers, regulators,
industry bodies involved in the insurance sector our expert advice and recommendations to lift the standards and enhance claims results for the benefit of all parties.
While advocacy will be important, our main objective will be the education and training for members and related others. This will be the way that AiBEC demonstrates value to members and we are currently working with a Corporate Member, Restoration Industry Consultants (RIC), for Dr Tim Law to conduct a webinar which we will advise details of soon. Our training offerings will be a combination of, on-line courses, webinars, seminars and conference (in July 2025). We will be relying on members with specific expertise, industry professionals and our Allied Supporters to assist in delivering our training outcomes.
The impact of AiBEC has already been very significant and we have held many meetings and engagements and more are planned moving forward including further meetings in Sydney and Melbourne and Information Meetings in Perth (11th Sept) and Adelaide (12th Sept).
Please follow our activities on LinkedIn and our website www.aibec.co.
As we continue to evolve and grow as a new association I am sure you will be pleased that you were early to see the benefits of AiBEC, and your support provided impetus for what in a few years will be a strongly supported, proactive and respected Association for engineering and building consultants.
I would like to encourage feedback as we continue this journey together to build AiBEC and invite you to me email me at tony.libke@aibec.co with comments or suggestions on how we can continue to grow as an association.
Kind regards
Tony Libke